What You'll Learn: 

  • How does the city of Seattle and its CRE leaders plan on revitalizing downtown Seattle and creating a vibrant, walkable, and social destination?

  • How does Seattle compare against other national city centers? What needs to be done to elevate the area's position and further its competitive advantage and attraction?

  • How has the retail sector, and overall downtown economy, fared since the onset of the pandemic? Which assets classes have survived, or thrived?

  • What is on the horizon for downtown Seattle’s development pipeline in 2022?

  • What, and where, are the investment opportunities downtown? How will multimillion-dollar projects, like the Waterfront restoration, boost capital interest?


How You'll Do More Business: 

Join us as we take an in-depth look at the pandemic's effect on the retail ground floor, development pipelines, and investment activity in downtown Seattle. What strategies are local leaders employing to revitalize this urban core community and boost the internal economy? As we connect back in person let's discuss how together we can do more business, and advance this market.


Who Attends: 

Owners, developers, investors, brokers, city and government officials, business consultants, architects, engineers, lawyers, accountants, bankers, technology companies, and more!


Why You Should Attend:

Bisnow events bring together the biggest power players in the industry to identify opportunities, build your network and expand your business. With the largest audience of commercial real estate professionals in the world, no one knows how to help your business more than us. Join Bisnow as we jump into the market in Seattle to analyze its strengths and strategize on its areas of opportunity.


Group Ticket Discounts: Are you looking to buy 5 or more tickets? Fill out the form here to connect with Bisnow's marketing team and get exclusive group discounts.


For questions, recommendations, comments, or press inquiries please email our Pacific Northwest event producer, Amani Navarrette at


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